What if the food you’re eating isn’t as
sugar and spice and everything nice as you think? Yes, we heard that sometimes
there are weird things that are placed in our food to make it more delicious
but there are also some shocking ingredients that we don’t know of that are
place in our food. This is not surprising considering the advancements in
modern food technology which is always looking for new food additives and new
ways to reduce costs and maximise profits.
I wanted to share this fact because I
thought that you guys might have problems in making your own self product so I’m
telling you guys the shocking secrets ingredients right here. Just kidding.
FYI, just in case if you guys are wondering where I got this information, I got
it from this book I read, its entitled “SHOCKING INGREDIENTS IN YOUR FOOD AND
OTHER PRODUCTS”. If you guys are interested you can buy it only at a price of
RM12 at the any POPULAR shop with a discount of 25% if you add any item with
your purchase.
So okayyyyyyyyy, here is a list that I think would get your eyes to keep reading this stuff because really dude, it’s kinda
weird and it might help with your-self making ingredients problems.! *kidding again*
Dead cats and dogs are rendered to a make pet food.
No wonder your cat/dog won’t eat the pet
food!!! It’s their own kind and familyyyyyy?! I wonder if that time when I gave
my cat some cat food, she was staring it and started purring and rubbing her
body against the bowl, I guess that was her mom??? Because she would only do
that to me and her mom, no wonder her mom has been gone for 15 years. ! Did I
made ya cry??? Well wipe ‘em tears buddy cause I never have a cat~~~

Okay back to the topic (our real business
here), RENDERING is a process that converts waste animal tissue into
commercial, value-added materials. Rendering is referred to any processing of
animal products into more useful materials, or more narrowly to the rendering
of whole animal fatty tissue into purified fats like lard or tallow. That means
not only dead cats and dogs are rendered even wastes from slaughterhouses,
animal by-products also include dead farm animals, carcasses from
slaughterhouses, animal shelters, zoos, race courses, veterinarians, and
products of animal origin not intended for human consumption.
Catering waste that contains or has been in
contact with meat products, whether cooked or uncooked, are also collected.
Some other products derived from animal rendering are meat-and-bone-meal, fats,
gelatine, collagen, pet food, and etc. Every year, more than 10 million tons of
meat by-products derived from healthy animals are produced in the European
Union. This material is then transformed into variety of products used in human
food, animal feed and cosmetics, and for pharmaceutical and other industrial
and technical uses. For example:
Mixture of bones, meat
trimmings and offal are rendered into fats and into animals proteins which are
then used in human food, animal feed, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and technical
Offal and meat trimmings are
used fresh raw material in pet food and pharmaceuticals.
Mucus from the animal
intestines is usually washed in the slaughterhouse. The intestine wash water contains valuable mucus that can be
recovered, cleaned to remove pathogens, concentrated, and spraydried.
What are you really putting on your lips?
Anyone who has seen how sausage is made
will most likely never eat sausage again. What, you still don’t know about how
sausages are made?! What is wrong with you? Go search ‘em up on youtube but if
you’re really a sausage lover I advise you to not watch it cause dude, it might
ruin your life~~
This topic here also is similar to the next
fact I’m about to tell ya, almost any woman who knows the ingredients of her
red lipstick will more likely think twice before putting it on her mouth.
According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only 11% of the 10, 500
ingredients that goes into cosmetics have been reviewed for safety. If your
makeup bag contains a tube of red lipstick, here is one thing from the
ingredients what you are unknowingly ingesting.
Carmine is the beautiful, rich shade of crimson most often associated with
lipstick comes with carmine, a natural food colouring that has been in
production for centuries. Carmine is produced through the boiling of highly pigmented
BEETLES. It has been known to cause irritation and allergic reactions in people
who are sensitive to it. So, when you have a daughter later, you can name her
Carmine, a beautiful name as ‘its’ colour~
Would you still eat meat???? Animals fed with filth!
Industrial agriculture is one of the top 4 things
which future generations will condemn us.
chicken eat?
If allowed to roam about, chickens will eat
grains, seeds and insects. But factory-farmed chickens are fed toxic arsenic (a
cancer-causing compound) , and a frightening elixir of drugs that include
caffeine, banned antibiotics and even Prozac
(a feel ‘good’ antidepressant drug).
cows eat?
Feedlot cows are fed detrimental amounts of
grain, lots of antibiotics, filth and all kinds of crap including chewing gum!
In-large scale indoor cattle- breeding, cows are fed “chicken litter” and
indirectly eat parts from cows.
4) Hair and feathers in
your bread!
Bread is the
most common and traditional food around the world. A traditional loaf needs
only ingredients namely flour, yeast, water and salt, but you guys just read
the topic above right??? So I’m pretty sure that bread isn’t that boring with just
those ingredients. Okay first lemme tell you guys about L-cysteine that is used
as a dough conditioner and flavour enhancer. This is a non-essential amino acid
added to many baked goods as a dough conditioner in order to speed up the
industrial processing of bread. It is usually not added directly to flour
intended for home use, but you’ll find it throughout commercial breads such as
pizza dough, bread rolls and pastries. So guys after reading that I think you
guys fully understand the use of L-cysteine now right? Then I should tell you
guys that L-cysteine is directly synthesised in laboratories, most of it is
extracted from a cheap and abundant natural protein source-human and feathers!
5) Unexpected and
hidden animal ingredients
Vegetarians who
have switched to an animal-free lifestyle are determined to keep animal
by-products out of their diet. As they spot the hidden animal ingredients
lurking on the supermarket shelves. Most of the hidden animal products that
they are likely to encounter are ingredients that pop up in every day
foodstuffs. The problem is some of them are in unexpected places.
FYI, to
vegetarians, yes I know you guys think that food that is not meat- like does not contain “animal” but let me tell you
guys something..you guys know what rennet is? It’s an enzyme that comes from
the stomach of calves and is used most commonly in the manufacture of cheeses. It is possible to buy
vegetarian cheese and rennet can be obtained from other sources that do not
come from animals. So guys,choose your cheese wisely if you’re a vegetarian.
Well that sums up of
things I wanna share today, thanks for reading guys! I hope it was useful as it
was to me J .
With Luv,